Trilobite 0.9.3
User Guide

© Darwin Arts L.L.C., 2014

Modular Synth Control Panel

This control panel provides global control of audio and midi signals into and out of the Modular Synthesis Engine. Each of its control buttons and features are explained below.

Topics on this page include:

Add Modular Panel Button
Mute Audio Input Button
Mute Audio Output Button
All Stop Button
Global Reset Button
MIDI Signal Meter
Map MIDI Key Mode Button
Map Midi CC Mode Button
Context Help Button

Add Modular Panel Button

Clicking this button will add a new Modular Synthesis Panel to the Panel strip area of Trilobite. The Panel will contain an empty Modular Patch.

Mute Audio Input Button

Clicking this button will mute all input audio signals to the Modular Synthesis Engine. After the button has been pushed, it will change appearance to the following:

Press the button again to un-mute audio input.

Muting all audio input may be useful if you are evaluating Trilobite patches as instrumental tone sources rather than as audio effects. Note, however, that you would need to remove all Input Modules from you patch to insure the same results without audio input muted.

Mute Audio Output Button

Clicking this button will mute all output audio signals from the Modular Synthesis Engine, effectively silencing Trilobite. After the button has been pushed, it will change appearance to the following:

Press the button again to unmute audio output from Trilobite.

All Stop Button

Clicking this button will cause all Modular Synthesizers within the Modular Synth Panel Section to stop immediately, with no attempt at smooth ramping. Consider this to be an emergency stop option.

Global Reset Button

Clicking this button will cause all running synthesizers to reset to initial conditions.

MIDI Signal Meter

This signal meter indicates that Trilobite is receiving MIDI data and gives a rough approximation of how much data is being received. This may be when trying to debug setup of MIDI controller hardware.

Map MIDI Key Mode Button

Clicking this button will place the Modular Synth Panel Section in Midi Key Mapping Mode. Once pressed, the following button will replace both Midi Map mode buttons:

Press this button to exit MIDI Mapping Mode.

Map MIDI CC Mode Button

Clicking this button will place the Modular Synth Panel Section in Midi CC Mapping Mode. Once pressed, the following button will replace both Midi Map mode buttons:

Press this button to exit MIDI Mapping Mode.

Context Help Button

A click on this button will launch your default web browser and navigate to this page or one very much like it. This button may be hidden using the Help Menu.