1.0 |
Note that after you download and install Trilobite Professional on your computer(s), you will need to register your installation with Darwin Arts. We recommend that you perform product registration immediately, as it may take 2-3 business days for Darwin Arts to respond with an activation key customized for your computer system. When you launch Trilobite for the first time, the registration dialog box show above will appear. This page describes how to use this dialog to complete product registration.
1. Copy MacIP Address
When you launch Trilobite for the first time, the registration dialog box show above will appear. Double-click the text field immediately below the “Your Computer MAC Address:” text label (this field acts as a unique identifier for your computer) and use a right click menu option to copy this text.
2. Open Registration Web Page
Click the button labelled “Open Registration Page”, which will open your default web browser to the Trilobite 1.0 registration page at the Darwin Arts web site.
3. Paste MacIP into Registration Field
Complete Registration Form
Fill out all other required fields in the registration page, and any optional fields you wish. Please use the same name which appears on your purchase invoice.
For the field labelled “Trilobite Purchase Invoice #”, you may use either the Purchase ID or actual invoice number which appear on the invoice you received either from Darwin Arts or PayPal.
5. Submit Registration
you've completed filling in the registration fields, click the “Send”
button at the bottom of the page, and once the registration form is
filed with our database you should see the following:
6. Work and Wait
Continue working with Trilobite by clicking the “Later” button. Registration takes 2-3 business days (probably less) to process on our end, because Darwin Arts is a really TINY company...
7. Complete Registration
...but once we've generated a registration key for customized for computer our registration robot will mail it to the email address specified in the registration form. When you receive this email, copy and paste the registration key from the email message into the “Registration Key Entry Box” which appears in the dialog box above the next time you restart the application.
You should then see a confirmation dialog telling you the registration completed successfully.
Note that the registration key will work only on the computer with the earlier specified MacIP address.
8. Save Your Registration Key
Make sure to save the email with your registration key, in case you ever need to enter it again.
9. Repeat for Second Computer
Your purchase of Trilobite entitles you to install the software on two separate computers. You will need to repeat this registration process for the second computer, using the same receipt or purchase number, but you can do this at any point in the future.