Thanks so much for your interest in Calymene! Use the button below to initiate a purchase through PayPal.
If you are already a registered owner of Trilobite Pro, please note that Calymene is free! If you haven’t already received a notification email from us, use the contact form to get in touch. Make sure to include your name and email address in the message.
If you are an individual, your purchase entitles you to install Calymene on as many computers as you want (you will need to register each one). If you are an institution, one license must be purchased for each install.
For more information about system requirements, feature changes, licensing, and known bugs, please see the readme file.
Once you have completed your purchase with PayPal, click the “Darwin Arts” button to redirect your browser to the web link page where you can download installers for Windows and OSX. Note that your web browser permissions must allow executable downloads from “unregistered vendors”. Also, the confirmation email with download links may be sent to whatever email address you have registered with PayPal.
If you experience any problems with the purchase process (such as not receiving an email with download links–we’ve occasionally observed this), please use the contact form to request immediate assistance. Make sure to include your name, email address, and purchase id or invoice number to expedite processing.
After you’ve installed, you will need to register Calymene with Darwin Arts. Consult the Calymene user guide for instructions.
Please note that all software sales are final, so please make your selection carefully.